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Canyoning beginners Sylvenstein

right at the tyrolian border you find a perfect canyoning destination




May - October
approx. 4 hrs

Tours are every saturday and sunday at 9.30 am
Groups of at least 5 people saturday and sunday


and weekdays

incl. equipement (shuttle to the canyon by yourself/own car or taxi – about 20-25 € per person extra - depending on groupsize)

action & fun outdoorcenter Bad Tölz

Königsdorferstrasse 22f

83646 Bad Tölz

At the Sylvensteinlake, on the border of Bavaria to Tyrol is probably the best canyoning area in the South. After a short climb
you can experience it all what can be the fascination of Canyoning: Cracks in clear mountain water, slipping in pools, walking in the creek and scrambling on the mountain and jumps from waterfalls. Total unusual and unusually good.

The perfect combination of physical activity, adventure and nature. The experience of our professional guides offers the best conditions for your safety.We provide all the equipment, please bring only mountain/trekking boots or sneakers yourselves. 

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Canyoning beginners Sylvenstein

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Canyoning beginners Sylvenstein

Tour Canyoning Beginner Sylvenstein

including equipment, guiding



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